Deputy Council Leader Report, 17th July 2024


We all continue to be impressed by the Leader’s energy, rigour, and enthusiasm for our great city and it continues to be my great honour and privilege to deputise for her when called upon to do so. She sets the bar high for herself and all the Council Executive Team, as residents quite rightly expect the best from their political representatives.


As Deputy Leader of the City of York Council I continue to represent the City on the Mayoral Combined Authority of York and North Yorkshire (YNYMCA). Since the election in May of the Labour Mayor we have continued to work well with our counterparts across the political divide in the best interests of the Region. At a time when politics is divisive, with some pursuing nasty self-serving agendas, the Combined Authority is a good example of how politicians can work together for the good of the communities they are elected to serve.


In May this year it was my honour to be elected Deputy Mayor for the YNYMCA, deputising for the Mayor at meetings he is unable to attend and supporting the team to deliver an ambitious programme for the whole region. The impact of the YNYMCA, and the opportunities it brings for the region, cannot be underestimated.  It provides focus and funding to enable good economic growth and inward investment, build affordable sustainable housing, rise to the net zero challenge, and invest significantly in transport.


For example, should funding settlements remain as planned, transport will see an injection of around £400m in new money in the first term of this Mayoral office. Over the next eight years the transport settlement alone is worth around £1 billion. This will enable York and North Yorkshire to push forward with ambitious plans that makes transport in our region fit for the 21st century and ready for the 22nd.


Since the last Full Council, I have deputised for the Leader at various CYC meetings, at the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, The York Cares Awards, York Design Awards, and championed the City at UKREiiF – the UK’s largest real estate investment event. It is an ongoing pleasure to work closely with the Leader as the Labour Group steers York away from the old insular politics of the previous administration and into an outward looking, opportunity grabbing organisation.

We continue to work constructively with partners and stakeholders on York Central who share our bold ambition for the site, the city its residents and businesses.


It would be remiss of me not to point out that the Deputy Leader Report remains an anachronism left over from the old coalition of Liberal Democrats and Greens. As Labour hold the majority on the Council, and the Leader and Deputy work closely together daily, there is no need for a report effectively duplicating that of the Leader.  I welcome the proposal to remove this report from the agenda, allowing more time for councillors to debate other business.


Cllr Kilbane, Deputy Leader

8 July 2024